If you travel to work or school on a daily basis, you are well aware that commuting can be costly. Gasoline prices seem to be continually rising, as do fares for public transportation. It can be frustrating to look at these costs going up and up, but we have to get where we need to go. These observations can leave us wondering what options are available that may be more affordable and eco-friendly.
If you find yourself pondering the above thoughts, we invite you to consider a Ridel electric bike or electric mountain bike. Ridel ebikes put the fun in function and give you an affordable and reliable method of transportation for commuting to work in town or enjoying weekend recreation. Stick with us as we help you see what a great investment an electric bike can be.
No matter where your travels may take you, an electric mountain bike can make your journey easier. It is easier to crush those hills when you have some power behind you. This means you can go further than ever before on your outdoor adventures.
An electric bike moving you along also gives you the ability to enjoy cycling even when dealing with winter’s chill or a summer scorcher. These are the times of year that speed can make a big difference.
The initial investment in a Ridel electric bike will pay for itself over time, as the costs to run them are very low…far less than what you may pay for gasoline or public transportation fare cards. Ebike’s have very efficient batteries that are inexpensive to charge and last for quite some distance. If you were to put an ebike in comparison to a standard gas guzzling car, an ebike would get about 2000 miles per gallon. Whoa!
Another ebike bonus is that you don’t have to pay for parking permits like you may with a vehicle. They are space efficient no matter where your travels may take you.
Save on that monthly gym membership, and save that money for a skinny latte. An electric bike will help you to stay physically fit, and pedaling in the fresh air and sun will give you a mental boost as well. In reality, these are benefits that you cannot put a price on. Investing in your well-being is a gift that you give yourself and your loved ones that you cannot put a price tag on.
An electric mountain bike or other Ridel electric bike is an investment in our planet and every human that inhabits it. Clean electric power and a compact size reduce your carbon footprint with every circle of the pedals. Ebikes reduce the use of space and non-renewable energy sources, which is investing in everyone’s future.
Investing in the eco-friendly and fun Ridel family of ebikes is a wise choice for young and old. Our bikes will be with you, every pedal of the way.
Is Electric Bikes get further and faster than regular bikes?
No matter where your travels may take you, an electric mountain bike can make your journey easier. It is easier to crush those hills when you have some power behind you. This means you can go further than ever before on your outdoor adventures.
An electric bike moving you along also gives you the ability to enjoy cycling even when dealing with winter’s chill or a summer scorcher. These are the times of year that speed can make a big difference.
Is Electric Bikes are cost efficient?
The initial investment in a Ridel electric bike will pay for itself over time, as the costs to run them are very low...far less than what you may pay for gasoline or public transportation fare cards. Ebike’s have very efficient batteries that are inexpensive to charge and last for quite some distance. If you were to put an ebike in comparison to a standard gas guzzling car, an ebike would get about 2000 miles per gallon. Whoa!
Another ebike bonus is that you don’t have to pay for parking permits like you may with a vehicle. They are space efficient no matter where your travels may take you.
Going green with electric bikes
An electric mountain bike or other Ridel electric bike is an investment in our planet and every human that inhabits it. Clean electric power and a compact size reduce your carbon footprint with every circle of the pedals. Ebikes reduce the use of space and non-renewable energy sources, which is investing in everyone’s future.
Investing in the eco-friendly and fun Ridel family of ebikes is a wise choice for young and old. Our bikes will be with you, every pedal of the way.
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